Living for today

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September signals the end of the Summer and the beginning of Autumn, most of 2021 year is now in the past, with the best of the weather behind us. It brings a tinge of sadness.

This September is particularly poignant for me as I start my last year as a teacher before I retire. A job I have absolutely loved, even teaching some of the characters! I have many fond memories of people and places, of funny incidents and tragedy. It is very easy to settle into the warm glow of how much better things were back ‘then’; a lovely place, where all the mundanities of life are filtered out leaving just the fondness of what was. 

A counterpoint to this is one of my favourite proverbs, written by Solomon who was approaching the end of his life, having done so much with it, yet he says ‘Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.’ (Ecclesiastes 7 v10). The thing is, the past is gone and is unalterable, the future has not arrived, the only thing we can really effect is the moment we are in. The Bible is filled with the importance of living for today, e.g. “This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118 v24). Recognising the blessings we have today, not living in the past or pining for the future.

Whatever stage of life we are at, young or old, God’s message to us in the Bible is a solid foundation to guide us. We can learn much from the wise characters from the past, it shows us an amazing future of peace and security, yet much of it is about the ‘now’ – encouraging love and kindness, and not taking for granted God’s gift of life today.

Useful passage to look up: Matthew ch6 vs 31-34

Photo by Tom Parkes on Unsplash